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  Hot Pink Fiji Bird's Nest - SPS Coral
Indo/West Pacific Ocean
Phytoplankton, Rotifers, Baby Artemia, Marine Algae
Medium to High
  Water Flow:
Medium to High
Ease of Care:
Moderately to Difficult. Maintain feeding schedule.
  Special Requirements and Information:
The Bird's Nest coral is often seen on TV as representative of livestock on the Coral Reefs. While they are moderately easy to raise, they are not for the beginner or someone who just wants the tank to work on it's own. Begin low in the tank until they become acclimated and then move them closer to the middle or top. Keep the temperature between 72 and 78 to prevent die-off.
Feed at night. Maintain feeding zooplankton and microalgae throughout the life of the coral. Once they're accustomed to your tank, they can be introduced to frozen foods such as chopped blood worms, artemia or squid. Use a turkey baster to place the food. In an established tank they will feed on the live food in the water.
Bird's Nests are susceptible to coral stings so keep them a fair distance from other SPS. They have a more likely to increase their height quicker than propagating new arms.

Pacific Aqua Farms • 5450 W. 104th St., Los Angeles, CA • 310.215.3474