Electric Sparks Cactus - SPS Coral
Agariciidae/Pavona/Pavona spp.
Indo/West Pacific Ocean
Phytoplankton, Rotifers, Baby Artemia, Marine Algae
Medium to High
  Water Flow:
Medium to High
Ease of Care:
  Special Requirements and Information:
Often called "Lettuce Coral" or "Leaf Coral", the cactus has polyps on both sides of the coral plates. They are reasonably hardy, but require good water conditions and occasional supplemental addition of calcium, strontium and iron.. Regular feeding of zooplankton is necessary for the polyps. Begin away from your light source until they've acclimated and then move them to where they can gather the most light available.
Feed anytime during the day. Once they're accustomed to your tank, they can be introduced to frozen foods such as chopped blood worms, artemia or squid. Supplement with strontium, calcium and magnesium.
Can be aggressive towards their neighbors, so give them sufficient room. Plates grow slowly.

Pacific Aqua Farms • 5450 W. 104th St., Los Angeles, CA • 310.215.3474