Deep Red Carnation - Soft Coral
Nephtheidae/Dendronephthya/Dendronephthya spp.
Red Sea/Indo/West Pacific Ocean
Phytoplankton, Marine Algae
Low to Medium
  Water Flow:
Low to Medium
Ease of Care:
Very difficult
  Special Requirements and Information:
Carnation corals are fascinating additions to your tank, but are not for the beginner. Watch them inflate and deflate throughout the day as they feed. Placing carnations too close to the flow source can injure their bodies. Keep them in the middle of the tank and away from other corals.
Feed often as they are not photosynthetic and require food in the water column. The best food is live phytoplankton. They are unable to accept food any larger than phytoplankton.
Can be VERY aggressive towards sensitive neighbors, so consider that in your placement.
Will be difficult to keep if you have a high powered protein skimmer.

Pacific Aqua Farms • 5450 W. 104th St., Los Angeles, CA • 310.215.3474