Emerald Circles Stylo - SPS Coral
Indo/West Pacific Ocean
Phytoplankton, Rotifers, Baby Artemia, Marine Algae
Medium to High
  Water Flow:
Medium to High
Ease of Care:
Easy to Moderately Easy.
  Special Requirements and Information:
This huge Stylo has emerald green polyps studding the coral's body. You treat it just like any other pocillopora and is a spectacular addition to any aquarium. They can be placed virtually anywhere in your tank. Begin a sufficient distance from the light source until they've acclimated.
Feed anytime during the day. Once they're accustomed to your tank, they can be introduced to frozen foods such as chopped blood worms, artemia or squid. Steady and regular feeding of zooplankton will maintain great health.
Non-aggressive and beautiful. If properly cared for, they will grow out from the center and the arms will extend.

Pacific Aqua Farms • 5450 W. 104th St., Los Angeles, CA • 310.215.3474