Forest Green
Leaf Coral
Leptoseris spp. |
Bubbly and Beautiful
Acropora sarmentosa |
Fire Engine
Cup Coral
Echinophyllia spp. |
Apricot Polyped
Whisker Coral
Duncanopsammia |
Great Green
Tip Fingers
Euphyllia cristata |
Profusion of Pink
Acropora anthocercis |
Maroon & Teal Complanata
Favites complanata |
Tangerine & Navy
Yuma Rock
Ricordea yuma |
Violet Ridged
Favia spp. |
Red & Blue
Buttons Acan
Acanthastrea spp. |
Bite of
Purple Pie
Echinophyllia pp. |
Lovely Lemonhead
Sarcophyton spp. |
Granny Smith Green Acro
Acropora samoensis |
Red Neon Shrooms
Actinodiscus spp. |
Purple Elephant
Nose Coral
Mycedium spp. |
All images are the property of Walt Smith
International and are used with permission. |