Pacific Aqua Farms Payment Policies
If you have not yet done so, please contact our sales staff to set-up an account and place
your first order. If you already have an account, feel free to log into your account using the
“Merchant Access” link on the upper right hand corner of the website.


Because Pacific Aqua Farms is a wholesaler, proof of business establishment is required before any transaction is considered. Payment is by credit card or certified check for all new accounts (with credit card always being the preferred method of payment). On established accounts, a company check is acceptable once credit has been evaluated. Payment is required in advance of shipment. For your convenience, your credit card information may be kept on file by PAF and used for future purchases if requested. Our credit terms and policies are non-negotiable and are subject to change without notice. All sales are final.

Pacific Aqua Farms • 5450 W. 104th St., Los Angeles, CA • 310.215.3474