New Coral Photos - For Your Pleasure
These corals are available at certain times of the year. While they are not always in house,
we thought it would be nice to show you some of the more colorful and/or unusual corals that we sometimes run across in the trade. To access a larger photo with more detailed information, click on the image and a new window will open.

To all our customers - HAPPY PRESIDENT'S DAY!!
To see our past images click here for our Coral Archive Page.

Palm Tree
Clove Polyps

Clavularia spp
President's Day
Elephant Nose

Mycedium spp.
Shamrock Green
Flower Pot

Goniopora spp.
Deep Red

Dendronephthya spp.
Magenta Speckled

Actinodiscus spp.

Goldflake Purple &
Crimson Brain

Symphyllia spp.
Spiny Cup

Pectinia spp.
The Lower 48

Blastomussa wellsi
Raisin Rimmed
Plate Coral

Heliofungia spp.
Big Lips

Scolymia vitiensis

Blueberry and Lime
Pizza Anemone

Cryptodendrum spp.
Super Monti's

Montipora nodosa
Springtime In

Ricordea yuma
Rock of Red

Actinodiscus spp.
Aqua & Burgundy
Striped Lobo

Lobophyllia spp.

All images are the property of Walt Smith International and are used with permission.

Pacific Aqua Farms • 5450 W. 104th St., Los Angeles, CA • 310.215.3474